La cage aux folles 1979 film complet

Tropez, his transvestite lover, and how the owner reacts after his son returns home one day and announces hes going to marry. Unfortunately, renatos son, laurent has not told his future fatherinlaw, an important figure in a conservative political organization about his unconventional family. Charming and frothy, the movie proves to be about as tame as any oldfashioned bedroom farce, which of course went a long way toward allowing it to be embraced by americans who generally steered clear of foreign films, gay films, and gay foreign films. Renato owns a popular nightclub and his longtime lover zaza, is a female impersonator and the clubs star attraction. Somehow, the whole movie appears funnier in its original french even though i dont speak french. One of the most successful comedies of all time, this best foreign film award winner inspired the birdcage and stars michel serrault and ugo tognazzi as two partners torn between crossdressing and chaos. Even though it is a bit stereotypical, it was played with charm and. Renato ugo tognazzi tells albin michel serrault that laurent remi laurent is getting married to a woman. Zaza michel serrault thinks that he is no longer attractive to renato ugo tognazzi, and to make him jealous sets out to the local caf in magnificent dragwhere she is promptly picked up by a spy who is fleeing from enemy agents. Local drag club star albin michel serrault marketing in st.

The birdcage is a hilarious movie about a happily married gay couple, forced to play straight for the marriage for armonds son and his conservative inlaws. A gay couple must pose as husband and wife for sons soontobe inlaws. Jeanmichel prepares to bring his fiance home to meet his parents his father, and his fathers gay partner. But the very title gives you an idea of the singular lack of effort thats gone into its packaging.

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